Sunday, October 19, 2008

Twisted Fairytales: Hansel and Gretel

Recently in a 'macabre and horror' mood.. haha. Sometimes fairy tales are not wad they seem to be..



Finally blogging again.

Haha its been a long time since i last blogged i see.. haha. Didn't really blog partial is because I have my own private diary BOOK now. Haha and also because after book out, who will have the energy to blog?!

Haha for those who are curious as to where I am at now, I am serving NS as a RP (Regimental Police). Havent gone for the training yet but gonna be going soon I guess.
My current camp's at Rifle Range Road Camp. hmm.. cant tell too much. Tis confidential. But I can definitely cope in there.

Recently have been a little troubling I guess.. nothing that I can blog about. Quite personal bah. But as usual, the ones close to me will know.

Now that I've gone through BMT, I've learnt alot about myself and my weaknesses. I do apologise for my past immature self. Though cant say that Im very mature yet, but definitely better than before and is still trying hard to change for the best.

Somehow, things that seemed not good before has suddenly turn to be so nice... Dreams that were nitemares seem to not be so scary anymore. Haha! maybe thats a positive change. Maybe it's gonna be worse. Whichever comes, still gotta face it. But with God of course. =D

I still am hard to understand I suppose. But thats me alright! Haha just try harder! =P